
School of Professional and Continuing Studies




Professional and continuing education at New Bulgarian University (NBU) is organized through the School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPCS) at NBU. It offers a wide range of professional qualification programmes, postgraduate pedagogical and other qualifications, various trainings, academies, seminars, workshops, summer and business schools, IT certification courses, foreign language courses, Bulgarian language for foreigners, public lectures and other trainings and events in a variety of fields to people of all ages. The majority of the programmes are online and are designed to suit the needs of full-time working people or people in other geographical locations so that they can join the training remotely (online) in the evenings and at weekends. These programmes are typically offered intensively throughout the calendar year and have a strong practice orientation.


Whether you are looking to advance your career, find new learning opportunities or practice-oriented training programmes and certification courses, or engage in lifelong learning through a variety of learning formats, you have plenty of options with SPCS.


'Lifelong learning' is the modern formulation of the idea that one learns throughout one's life. SPCS offers both face-to-face on campus trainings carried out at NBU's premises in Sofia, and various online trainings through the electronic training platform of SPCS https://lll.nbu.bg/.


All trainings are focused on providing cutting edge insights through interactive methods and modern technologies, tailored to the needs of continuous training, and retraining and the specifics of each course. Our courses are delivered largely by university professors or external lecturers - experts in their area, bringing together the field's best thinkers and practitioners.


You can find the following type of trainings at SPCS:



For more information:


School of Professional and Continuing Education

New Bulgarian University, Building II, Office 208

21, Montevideo, Str.

Sofia, Bulgaria



Tel.: +3592/ 8110 110 (option 6)

E-mail: uppo@nbu.bg

Web: https://cpo.nbu.bg/
